

Welcome to the Scott Paddock Sax School & congratulations on taking the next giant step forward in your saxophone playing journey! I just sent you an email with some information that will make it easier to navigate the Sax School website. Please be sure to read that email when it arrives (it may be in your spam folder). Please add sax@scottpaddocksaxschool.com to your address book to avoid any future messages from ending up in your spam folder.

Where should you start?

Finding your starting point in the Sax School is super easy! Use the main menu to go to the COURSES page. From there, you will see all of the Courses offered in the Sax School. Click on any course, and it will tell you…

  • The prerequisites you need for that course.
  • What you will learn in that course.
  • A listing of all of the lessons in that course.
  • My suggestions about that course.

After a few clicks on the Courses Page, you will easily be able to find the perfect starting place for you.